
Showing posts from May, 2012

A Look At What It Means To Be A Truther

I was recently accused of making "truther comments" and the more I thought about it, I have to admit, it truly pissed me off. To be labeled in such a way. It really stoked me enough to do a bit of research as to what a "truther" really is. So, in mainstream American culture, a "truther" is almost exclusively someone who believes that the attacks on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 in New York City, the Pentagon in Virginia, and the hijacking of Flight 93 over Pennsylvania, were "inside jobs". In other words, the United States Government had some role in the infamous crimes. However, this is not the only brand of truther. Other truthers believe in conspiracy theories which range in varying degrees of plausibility; from suspicions that the United States' so-called "War On Terror" is simply a vehicle to justify foreign and domestic militarization to reptilian space aliens at the top of world governments taking over the world. Almost everyon