
Showing posts from April, 2012

Freedom Watch (transcript)

Freedom Watch Transcript Excerpt (verbatim) Hosted by Judge Napoliitano "What if Democrats and Republicans were two wings of the same bird of prey? What if elections were actually useful tools of social control? What if they just provided the populace with meaningless participation in a process that validates an establishment that never meaningfully changes? What if that establishment doesn’t want and doesn’t have the consent of the governed? What if the two-party system were actually a mechanism used to limit so-called public opinion? What if there were more than two sides to every issue, but the two parties wanted to box you in to a corner; one of their corners? What if there’s no such thing as public opinion, because every thinking person has opinions that are uniquely his own? What if what we call public opinion was just a manufactured narrative that makes it easier to convince people that if their views are different, then there’s something wrong with that

The Economic Rebauchery

In a previous comment, I reiterated a headline I had seen which claimed the Dow was near a 4-yr high. Be assured that soon headlines will read that the market is near 5-yr highs; then 6-yr highs; and soon even 10-yr highs. Soon headlines will read that the market is higher than it's ever been! Sounds like good news right? It sure does! Unfortunately, it isn't real news. It's manufactured news created for one purpose: to keep you buying, spending, and borrowing as much as you can and not doing exactly what you should be doing: SAVING. The real truth is that markets are not really increasing in value to all-time highs. Rather, dollars values are depreciating to all-time lows. Consider that even this most recent market high is still almost 10% less than the DJIA (the Dow) was five years ago. Question: What happens when the dollar annually loses more purchasing power than the average job or stock/security gains in value? For example, while the market struggles to false

Having Reservenations

Intro Often you will hear people use the phrase, "End The Fed". I know I've said it enough times and moments later I will often receive an email or a text message asking me what "the Fed" is or what is wrong with it. As a result, I decided perhaps it was time to sit down and take a few minutes to write a short note to try and hopefully answer more thoroughly, a few of the most common questions people have about the Federal Reserve (a.k.a. “the Fed”). I like to think that this information will raise even more questions and inspire those reading to learn more about the Federal Reserve and what we can do, if anything, to rid ourselves of it. Please note that I'm not claiming to be an expert or any type of authority on this particular matter. What I'd like to do, however, is write down a few facts regarding the Federal Reserve - facts which are easily and readily available given even the smallest amount of research. For now, I'm going to place enoug